Monday, March 24, 2008

standing on the street yelling at the stars...

the other night after a show i was standing around on the road somewhere shouting "SIMON!!! I am SIMON!!!" i think maybe i was having a game of simon says in my mind and forgot to tell anyone. I want to learn the history of punctuation, can any one help? i think it comes from latin maybe? i know that capital letters used to be used to identify a new sentence in the time before punctuation and that in sanscript and ancient greek there is no punctuation at all just an endless stream of letters. i fixed my bike too.


teigan said...

Didn't you study all of this?

iirc Latin had full stops, but no capitalisation or anything else.

I do not know.

teigan said...


[The Greeks were using punctuation marks consisting of vertically arranged dots - usually two (c.f. the modern colon) or three - in around the 5th century BC. Greek playwrights (e.g., Euripides and Aristophanes) used symbols to distinguish the ends of phrases in written drama: this essentially helped the play's cast to know when to pause. In particular, they used three different symbols to divide speeches, known as commas (indicated by a centred dot), colons (indicated by a dot on the base line), and periods (indicated by a raised dot).]

There you go.