Thursday, June 19, 2008


today i solemnly promise that i will get better at stringing sentences together and perhaps even think a little about what i am posting.

Today i also threw away a 150 yr old book. it was dusty.

well shit then

today i interviewed for the job i have been doing for the last year or so. I'm in a state of fear that i wont get my own job. its somewhat terrifying. as is my spelling. Such a weird feeling to come out of your office, go to an interview, come back to work for a 5 hour desk shift. its not right. The only reason i really want the job is that it will be day shifts, then i can start catching the train again and read books and listen to music, i cant do those things when driving, well music but i cant read and drive just yet. why you may well ask cant i catch the train for night shift? because. shut up. thats why. actually cos the train doesn't come till half an hour after my shift, which is dull, so i drive. take that planet.

fools... la di daaa di da doo whoooooop!!! shi.. da do di d d di ...whap ba da daaaa!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


my friend and i are going to make a band called science. the idea is that every song will have lyrics involving some scientific fact vs. jesus. so stem cells vs jesus, string theory vs jesus and on and on, we designed a logo which has jesus fighting a wizard using light sabres as weapons. the real ideology behind the idea/band is to show how stupid god arguments are in combating science, god arguments generally run along the lines of "shut up! Thats why!"
facts: evolution happened, the earth is a bunch more than 6000 yrs old, abortion is none of your business.
also if your are going to worship a fictional character then worship someone cool like darth vader or lance crossfire or richard pryor. bah....
rant, rant, rant....